Behzad Farkhani
العافية\ الجمال
حول Behzad Farkhani:
أنا طبيب باطنی ولدي أكثر من 11 عامًا من الخبرة العملية المتخصصة. لدي خبرة في العمل في مستشفى ، رئيس مستشفى ، طبيب موثوق به لمراكز التأمين. لقد اجتزت الآن اختبارات
VIVA و Prometric Oman.
Internist: Samen Al-A'meh Hospital, Bojnourd 2011-2021
ImamReza Hospital., Islamshahr, 2021- con.
Head of Hospital: Samen Al-A'meh Hospital, Bojnourd Feb.15 -Aug. 2020
Lecturer of Islamic Azad University: Bojnourd Branch; 2018 - 2020
Trusted physician: Bojnourd Health Insurance; 2016 – 2021
UNICEF: Vaccination during humanitarian emergencies 11/2022
Harvard Medical School: Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19, 11/2022
NHCPS: (National Health care provider Solutions): Advanced cardiac Life Support (ACLS), 11/2022
AND more than 40 others in last year. Please Scan QR code for Resume
First place: National exam for future managers of the Social Security Organization; 2020
Exemplary physician: of North Khorasan province. Commendation from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor & Social Security; 2006 and 2007
Certificate of appreciation: from the Director-General of Cultural Affairs of North Khorasan Province; 2020 / from the President of Bojnourd University of Medical Sciences; 2020
AND more than 30 others. Please Scan QR code for complete Resume.