beBee background
Wa‘ab Mubārak
Behzad Farkhani

Behzad Farkhani

Internist طبیب الباطنی

العافية\ الجمال

Wa‘ab Mubārak, محافظة مسندم


حول Behzad Farkhani:

أنا طبيب باطنی ولدي أكثر من 11 عامًا من الخبرة العملية المتخصصة. لدي خبرة في العمل في مستشفى ، رئيس مستشفى ، طبيب موثوق به لمراكز التأمين. لقد اجتزت الآن اختبارات

 VIVA و Prometric Oman.


Internist: Samen Al-A'meh Hospital, Bojnourd 2011-2021 
ImamReza Hospital., Islamshahr, 2021- con.

Head of Hospital: Samen Al-A'meh Hospital, Bojnourd Feb.15 -Aug. 2020

Lecturer of Islamic Azad University: Bojnourd Branch; 2018 - 2020

Trusted physician: Bojnourd Health Insurance; 2016 – 2021


UNICEF: Vaccination during humanitarian emergencies 11/2022

Harvard Medical School: Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19, 11/2022

NHCPS: (National Health care provider Solutions): Advanced cardiac Life Support (ACLS), 11/2022

AND more than 40 others in last year. Please Scan QR code for Resume


First place: National exam for future managers of the Social Security Organization; 2020

Exemplary physician: of North Khorasan province. Commendation from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor & Social Security; 2006 and 2007

Certificate of appreciation: from the Director-General of Cultural Affairs of North Khorasan Province; 2020 / from the President of Bojnourd University of Medical Sciences; 2020

AND more than 30 others. Please Scan QR code for complete Resume.

محترفون من نفس قطاع العافية\ الجمال مثل Behzad Farkhani

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Wa‘ab Mubārak, محافظة مسندم
