beBee background
Kishore Nambeesan

Kishore Nambeesan

HoD- ICT Dept/ Senior ICT Teacher

التعليم والتدريب

Sohar, محافظة شمال الباطنة


حول Kishore Nambeesan:

Sub: Application for the Post of HoD- ICT Dept/ Senior ICT Teacher


Dear Sir, 

As your institution has invited applications for various academic Positions for the coming Semester, I would like to apply myself for the position of HoD- ICT Dept/ Senior ICT Teacher

Having 22 Years of experience in Academics/Industry in Gulf Region  in Various Universities (British/US/Omani Curriculum) /International Schools (CBSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level) and mentoring activities which claims 13 years in Oman with a strong understanding of the Middle Eastern socio-economic and cultural environments among the students looking for higher education in the Middle East, I would like to extend my service to your esteemed organization. Currently, I am working as HOD-ICT @ Future Science International School, Majan, Sohar, Oman handling various Grade 9& 10-IGCSE/AS/A Level & Grade-11 & 12-GED Batches  and pursuing Doctor Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science (Pervasive Computing-Expected Socio-Economic Environment Changes in Oman) from JJTU, Rajasthan, India with Masters in Digital Marketing (Final Semester-Equivalent to Online Marketing Certified Professional [OMCP]) from Simplilearn Americas, Inc. San Francisco, CA, United States (mentored by Purdue University, USA.)  and previously worked in the in the leadership roles for the middle management in the various international School Curriculums in Oman & India.

 I have served the institutions honestly in teaching/assessing/Curriculum Planning and the total transformation of the student(s) skills and personalities with more traditional values for the last few years, proving myself as a responsible teacher and was successful in representing the college for the Inter Collegiate IT Quiz which received an appreciation from the University. At present, I am representing the department in various departmental committees such as Department Development/ Curriculum Development committee (DDC), Staff Blog Development Committee, Seminar/Workshop Organizing committee, Conducting and Co-ordinating various events such as Charity-cum-Community development Programme /IT Quiz Programme etc.

I am able to handle the Subjects such as Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence,  Information Security, Ethical Hacking, Networking (CCNA Level), E-Commerce, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, System Analysis and Design, Operating System, Management Information System, Dynamic Web Technologies, Object Oriented Programming etc. using DIGITAL TEACHING METHODOLOGIES SUCH AS- PPT presentations, SMARTBOARD SYSTEMS and also well verse with AP Web, MOODLE (Course Management E-Learning System) etc.

I shall highly be obliged if you can recommend me for the suitable post commensurate with my qualifications and experience (Information Technology). Enclosed please find the detailed CV for your kind perusal.

Thanking you 



Yours Sincerely

Kishore T. Nambeesan



Work Experience

Future Science International School, Majan, Sohar, 

Oman.  / 

HOD-ICT Department [Aug 2022 – Present]

I am responsible for Overall department coordination and admin related duties

Staff resource Planning/reporting, Liasoning between MOE ICT Supervisors & Moderation meeting

Teaching in Grade -9 & 10 (IGCSE)/AS/A Level, Grade-11-12(GED) Batches

Academic Planning and Assessment

Software Version Controls

Ministry of Education(MoE) ICT Subject related liasoning


Zionpushpakam Ventures (An International Hair Care    Solutions Company) Thrissur, Kerala, India.

Digital Marketing Specialist [FEB 2020 – June 2022]

I am responsible for 

the total technology   Integration of the Company

M/E-Commerce Portal development Consultation

Digital Marketing plans

System Audit Plans for Web Security

Web Branding

Trademark Auditing

Web Analytics for Google, Facebook Ads etc.

Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies (YIMS)

Palakkad, Kerala, India. [MAY 2016 – MAY 2017 (Left on PhD Sabbatical Leave)] 


Asst. Professor & HEAD – Computer Science Department

Heading the department, Coordinate    the department activities.

staff Planning, Work Allotment, Timetabling.

 Staff Appraisal and Teaching/Curriculum Development.


My Achievement as HOD-Computer Science Department @ Yuvakshetra College

The department of computer science was successful under my leadership in the execution of the following planned events during the Academic Year 2017.

1.         The department joined the INISIO 2016, the welcoming programme for the first-year students, and the students really got motivated and benefitted out of it.


2.         The Newly joined students of BCA & BSc Comp. Sci. were given a Fresher’s Day Party (Know Your Pal) organized by the seniors under the supervision of the Department.


3.         A Student Knowledge Corner (Bits  & Bytes) were started and frequent posts were displayed through the corner.


4.         The library resources are enriched with international journals and IT Magazines as per the student(S) request.


5.         Group Emailing Facility for Department Communication among the students for the educational material transfer.


6.         Proactive WhatsApp group is established for the various Campus Drive/Any other Quick intra department communications/ notifications.


7.         As part of the FTEP, a Faculty Workshop (Virtualization) and seminar [MOODLE (E-learning platform)], by Mr. Meghanathan Ramasamy, Ex-senior Network and Middle East College, Muscat, Oman has conducted in the month of July 2016.


8.  'Nuovo Insight'- Career Guidance Programme -for the First Years (BCA/BSc.) were conducted on Thursday, 11/08/16 @ 1:30pm - 3:30pm in the AV Room by the Head of the department.


9.         Mahindra's Naandi Add-On (Interview & Personality Development skills) for Third Year BCA& BSc. Students was conducted in the month August-September 2016.


10.       A Structured Hierarchical Student Department Development committee is formed and appointed the chair and the respective Office bearers.


11.       Our Final Year students gave remarkable achievements in the TrialBlazer-2016 @ Mercy College Palakkad winning many individual first prizes and Team prizes and they were given opportunity to participate in the seminar/paper presentation.


12.       A crew of 21 members attended the campus Recruitment Drive @ Amrita Institute, Edappally in which 5 students got selected for well-known IT company INFOSYS.


13.       As a Self-venture, Department of Computer Science published a Multimedia Content DVD-ROM, titled IT Jargon Almanac-2016 which can be used as a Marketing tool which narrates the campus Facilities, courses and the meaning explanations of the IT Buzz words.


14.       Our college has been approved as Authorized Examination centre to conduct Skill based exams by IIT Development Council of India: IITDCI is a non-profit making organization, a registered trust of Government of India (IT IS NOT GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION). 


15.       Department has conducted its Association Day recently on 6th January 2016 which was inaugurated by Mr. Jayakumar, Manager, Akshaya, E-governance Project, Kerala IT Mission. 


16.       All the first SEM students have successfully completed their various add-on they opted for, the successful candidates will be offered with a Certificate of Proficiency. 


17.       Seven Students of Final Year BSC. Comp Sci./BCA got selected into IT Software Development MNCs Such as Wipro/TCS/Cognizant Technologies through the ‘CAMPUS PLACEMENT DRIVE’ conducted at Amrita Institute of Arts and Science, Edappalli, Kerala during the year 2016-17.


18.       A group of 18 students from II & III Yr BSC/BCA attended the 7th NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDIAN LANGUAGE COMPUTING (NCILC-2017) @ Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) on 17th and 18th February 2017.


19.       Department is feeling Proud to announce that it has been successful in renovating official College website with a greater new look and with diverse contents.


20.       16 students from BCA/BSc. have successfully completed their Final Year dissertation Project under the Supervision of Pretempto, the Research and Development wing, Department of Computer Science in the Month of March 2017.




University of Nizwa, Oman, College of Economics, Management and Information Systems [JAN 2014 – JUN 2015]

 Senior Lecturer- Information System

Academic Advising, Conducting regular lessons for the Undergraduates

 Curriculum Planning, Student assessments/Evaluation etc.

Curriculum Design 

Project Supervision /Advising


Muscat College (Ministry of Higher Education [MOHE], Oman) Muscat, Sultanate of Oman [FEB 2011 –JAN 2014]

Senior Lecturer- Computing

Academic advising, Project Guidance and delivering courses of Higher National Diploma (HND) under Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), UK. And Bachelor’s Programme at University of Stirling, UK.

Curriculum Design and Planning.


Al Sahwa International Schools, Muscat, Oman, Under Ministry of education (Governed by Royal Oman Police & Royal Palace Office) Affiliated to University of Cambridge, UK. [AUG 2008 – JAN 2011]

Senior ICT Teacher

Conducting the regular classes,

 preparing for the internal projects,

 Preparing students for IGCSE, AS, A level ICT exam @ Cambridge O/A/AS Level.


College of Banking and Financial Studies (CBFS), 

An Autonomous institution governed by Central Bank of Oman, Under The guidelines of University of Bradford, Strathclyde University, Manchester, UK. 

[ JULY 2005 – JUN 2011] 

Lecturer in Mathematics & IT (Visiting Faculty)

Co-coordinating & Developing the curriculum for IDCS (International Diploma in Computer Studies) from NCC, UK and Conducting practical sessions. Preparing the IT skill promotion tests for the students of IELTS through BAND1 to BAND8.


Modules taught are: 


Software Engineering

Computer Technology. 

Systems Development. 

Business Organization. 

Business Communication. 

Structured Programming Methods. 

Java, MIS

E-commerce - Developing E-commerce enabled Websites


Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Muscat Study Center, Muscat. [SEP 2003 – JUN 2005]

     Lecturer in Information Technology (Visiting Faculty)


Was responsible for delivering the lectures and conducting examinations for the graduate and Post – Graduate IT Courses / Modules for (MBA SYSTEMS/MCA) prescribed by the IGNOU, Delhi, India.


Modules taught are: 


Software Engineering

Computer Technology. 

Managament information System(MIS). 

Business Organization. 


Department of Computer Science, Indian School Muscat, affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, Muscat, Oman [AUG 2003 – AUG 2008]


      Senior IT Teacher


Co-ordinating the departmental activities such as Terminal Examinations,

Conducting IT Seminars, In-House Staff Training, Advice for Multimedia Presentations to Various Departmental programmes

IT Infrastructure Advisory Committee Member. 


Abhinav College for Science &Technology, Dombivli (E)Thane (DT), Maharashtra, India [JUN 2002 – JULY 2003]

     Head of the Dept.- Information Systems


I was responsible for the Intranet design and maintenances ,


Academic Curriculum Designing, 

planning, Conducting the Seminars and Project presentations for the 12th, BSc / BCA computer Science IT Batches.


Dixit Infotech Services Pvt. Ltd., Platinum Partner for Hewlett-Packard (HP), Fort, Mumbai, India.


[JAN 2001 – JUNE 2002]


     Senior Techno- Sales Engineer


I was in charge for the Pre-sales Training and technology solution advice for the Printing & Imaging Challenges of the Corporate sectors in the Metropolitan Cities.


Aptech Computer Education, Aptech Ltd. Mumbai, India


ISO: 9001-2000 Company [JAN 2000 – DEC 2000]


Academic Head


Have played the key role in the development and the implementation  of the course-curriculum Design, Faculty Training etc.


Sprint Technologies India Ltd. ISO: 9001-2000 Company


(A subsidiary of Assyst International, Virginia, USA),          Cochin, Kerala, India. [JUN 1999 – DEC 1999]


   Chief of Technical operations (IT Training)


Have played the key role in the development and the implementation of the course-curriculum design, Faculty Training et




Doctor Philosophy (PhD)

Computer Science- End Time Computing (Ubiquitous Computing)

Thesis Title- “A study on Rational Changes Expected while implementing Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing environment in Social and Commercial Markets in Oman” JJT University, Rajasthan, India (March 2014 - Currently Pursuing: Pre-Thesis Phase)

Masters in Digital Marketing (Final Semester-Equivalent to Online Marketing Certified Professional [OMCP@  Simplilearn Americas, Inc. San Francisco, CA, United States. governed in association with 

 (Oct 2021 – Oct 2022)


Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Computer Application - Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. (Aug 1996 – Jan 2000)

Bsc Physics (Main) with Electronics Minor

University of Calicut, Kerala., India (June 1993 – July 1996)


CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) CISCO Inc., USA (June 2007)

Diploma in RDBMS (PowerBuilder 6.0) – CAT (Center for Advanced Computing), DOEACC, Hyderabad, India (September 1999)

المحترفون الذين يتنافسون مع Kishore

محترفون من نفس قطاع التعليم والتدريب مثل Kishore Nambeesan

محترفون من قطاعات مختلفة بالقرب من Sohar, محافظة شمال الباطنة

المستخدمون الآخرون الذين يطلق عليهم Kishore
